146.670 CRRG repeater on Mestaa'ėhehe Mountain
N39° 40 46.7'
W105° 29 36.3'
Elevation 11,440 ft.
For more information and photos of the site please visit the Castle Rock Repeater Group's website at https://www.crrg.club.
Adams-Arapahoe County ARES Weekly Nets
Weekly Nets are held each Sunday morning at 09:30:
- 146.6700 (-) (100.0 PL) - Primary VHF (CRRG)
- 146.9850 (-) (100.0 PL) - Backup VHF (El Jebel RADOPS)
- 448.2250 (-) (141.3 PL) - Primary UHF (RMHam)
- 447.5000 (-) (88.5) PL) - Secondary UHF (RMHam)
The Net Script can be found here: ARES Net Script. The DMR Net Script can be found here: DMR Net Script
Being a net control is an important part of being an active member. Sunday morning nets are a good way to practice your skills. You can volunteer to be a Net Control by contacting JJ Gee, WØJJG, Operations Section Chief.
State ARES Nets
State ARES nets can be found on the Colorado State ARES web site at http://www.coloradoares.org/wordpress/nets/
Alert Messages and their definitions
Adams-Arapahoe County ARES has been using the following alerts via SMS/Text Message and/or eMail:
- Alert 1 – Pre-activation Alert – Prepare for possible Stand-By mode to occur within 24 hours or less.
- Alert 2 – ARES Stand-By Alert – Adams-Arapahoe County ARES has been requested to be prepared for possible activation by the served agency(ies), within 12 hours.
- Alert 3 – ARES Activation Alert – Adams-Arapahoe County ARES members are requested to respond based on the request or guidance of the served agency, within 1 hour.
- Alert 4 – Change in Activation – A change in directions or directives by the served agency redirecting Adams-Arapahoe County ARES members to another assignment(s). Always acknowledge this message with Net Control by radio or phone.
- Alert 5 – Cancellation Notification – The Stand-By or activation mode for Adams-Arapahoe County ARES has been cancelled. Always acknowledge this message and check out with Net Control before going off the air.
Adams-Arapahoe County ARES uses a custom program for alerting members of deployment. This program is tested once per month unless there has been a deployment.
As always please reach out to any of the officers or EC at Arapahoe County ARES if you have any questions.